The devil roams around like a lion, seeking who he may devour...

 When the Bible says that the devil roams around like a lion, seeking who he may devour, that's fact and he can't devour a Christian, but his "devouring" can cause a Christian to doubt and not do all that is able in Christ. 

For the unsaved he does steal, kill and destroy; usually not by direct encounters as he does to Christians who are a real threat to him. 

We are all born into sin so to the unsaved he steals your health, kills your will, and destroys all you have; slowly so you don't see it coming. You may even think that you have a "good life, good wife, kids, job, house, car, vacation home, 401K and laying all your treasures up here on earth... and you think "that's the way it is" and you may even blame God for all the stealing, killing and destroying. 

If you don't hear, believe and know Jesus, satan may leave you alone for awhile because you are no threat to him and his plan, which is having you die on sin without Christ. God's plan is to give you life; now and life eternal when you die. 

You can be safe from satan's perverted plan by accepting Christ today. Will satan have his way? Will you die from a blood clot, heart attack, cancer, car wreck or die in your sleep tonight? Does any of us know for certain we'll take another breath? Why not accept Christ today? 

Some reading this have been putting it off for a long time and you feel God calling you.Ask Christ to come into your life now. 

PM me or talk with a Christian friend or, just talk to Jesus right now. 

Friend, ask Him for the blessed assurance.


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